66 research outputs found

    Understand the Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation: Roots and future

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    After the Wars, it was necessary the companies reinvented their process and for this to create a new perspective including products and services. In 1986, Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi received a challenge to describe product development in Japan companies. The result was “The new new product development game”. After that, Nonaka and Takeuchi wrote about their observations in this process and published many articles, presenting in 1994 the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation. In this context, the aim of this study is to review the Nonaka and Takeuchi documents, building a timeline and understand the concepts and the future for the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation. Firstly, we search the articles from Nonaka in the Scopus database. Secondly, we started reading the article “Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation” published in 1994 for Nonaka. Based on their references we returned for the search results and read the articles. Next, we read the articles published after 1994 and comprehending their link with the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation. Although the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation is recognized and diffused in the academy and in the organizations that study or implant the Knowledge Management, it is noticed that few authors deepen the knowledge to understand the fundamentals of the theory or, of fundamental reasoning. It is evident the concern of Nonaka and his co-authors to seek facilitators for the modes of knowledge conversion, to facilitate the practical application of the modes of knowledge conversion

    Modeling of the Certification Process for Physiotherapy services

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    Gaining attention in all nations, the service sector, among other things, guarantees improved standards of living for the population. When it comes to health services, some accreditation and certification models already exist in the hospital environment, encompassing both these aspects. Currently, in Brazil, a certification model for specific Physiotherapy service providing companies exists, which comprises infrastructure, services, and consumer satisfaction aspects. This article aimed to describe this certification process using the IDEF model for modeling processes. Research results show that the IDEF method allows for a high level of process detailing, and that developing a framework for the certification process for Physiotherapy services provides a better understanding and presents a structured description of the process

    Strategic information quality utilizing the House of Quality

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    Living in the Age of Knowledge means living in search of innovation. That is, quality information and high valued added knowledge that can lead companies and individuals to the spotlight in a highly competitive and globalized world.  Information is considered to be raw material for creating knowledge, which in turn, adds value to organizations, promotes innovation and puts the spotlight on organizations. For this reason, the objective of this study is to use a tool to analyze the quality of organizational strategic information in two phases.  In the first phase, data and sources will be assessed; and in the second phase of the tool, strategic information and information guidance practices will be analyzed.  Thereby, the study provides analyses of an organization a step-in advance, so as to improve its processes and tools to truly transform its strategic information into competitive advantage


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    With the occurrence of intensive climate change, there is a risk of irreversible damage to global biodiversity, resulting in reduction of geographical distribution and species extinction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the current distribution and the future projection of the areas of occurrence of Curitiba prismatica. Current occurrence data accessed in the SpeciesLink database and scientific studies were collected, which were correlated with the bioclimatic data available in WorldClim, for the current and future periods (2070), in the optimistic (RCP 4.5) and pessimistic scenarios (RCP 8.5) of the HadGEM2-ES model. In the current scenario, a species presents suitability restricted to mixed ombrophilous forest (MOF), with limited distribution to the center-south of the state of Paraná and the north of the state of Santa Catarina. For the future, there were reductions in the areas of climatic susceptibility for the species, both in the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios. In the RCP 4.5 scenario, the predictive reduction was found in the midwest region of Paraná, unlike the RCP 8.5 scenario, which showed a low reduction in this region. Therefore, in the future, areas with high suitability will tend to contract, but restricted to the regions of the first and second plateau of Paraná and the north of Santa Catarina. In this sense, these areas are indicated for commercial planting and in situ and ex situ conservation of the species

    Crescimento de mudas de Gleditschia amorphoides Taub. produzidas em diferentes substratos

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050985077Locally known as sucará, Gleditschia amorphoides besides being a woody species, it can be used in plantations used for the rehabilitation of degraded areas. Therefore, the objective of the current work was to evaluate the seedling growth, over time produced under different substrates. The experiment was made at the UNIOESTE nursery in Santa Helena district, in Paraná state, using direct sowing in polypropylene sized tubes of 200cm3. Different mixtures were tested as substrate, containing Plantmax®, decomposed leaves residue, sawdust, litter, cattle manure and carbonized rice hulls. Monthly, during 180 days, evaluations of height and diameter of the lap were made, analyzed by a completely randomized design, with 5 replicates of 12 seedlings, in a subdivided plot scheme in time. At the end of the experiment, root dry mass and aerial part dry mass, the relation between these variables and the leaf area, were determined for 12 seedlings each treatment, in a completely randomized design. The water-holding capacity, substrate total porosity and pH were determined. All data were submitted to variance analysis and the means compared by the Tukey’s test. In general, all substrates provided gradual increase in the diameter of the lap and seedling height. Seedlings produced in 50% of Plantmax®+ 20% of carbonized rice hulls + 30% of cattle manure provided bigger diameter (4,5mm) and seedlings height (22,7 cm), as well as bigger root dry mass and aerial part dry mass (0,88 and 1,62g, respectively) followed by seedlings produced in 50% of Plantmax®+ 20% of carbonized rice hulls + 20% of cattle manure + 10% leaf residue with 4,0mm and 19,7mm, for diameter and height respectively. In these experimental conditions, Sucará seedlings produced in 50% of Plantmax®+ 20% of carbonized rice hulls + 30% of cattle manure presented bigger growth.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050985077Popularmente conhecida como sucará, Gleditschia amorphoides é uma espécie que, além do uso madeireiro, pode ser utilizada em plantios destinados à recuperação de áreas degradadas, assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento das mudas, ao longo do tempo, produzidas em diferentes substratos. O experimento foi realizado no viveiro da UNIOESTE em Santa Helena - PR, utilizando-se de semeadura direta em tubetes de polipropileno de 200 cm3. Foram testadas diferentes misturas como substrato, contendo Plantmax®, resíduo de folha decomposto, serragem, cama de aviário, esterco bovino e casca de arroz carbonizada. Mensalmente, durante 180 dias, foram avaliadas altura e diâmetro do colo, sendo estes analisados segundo um delineamento de blocos casualizados, com 5 repetições de 12 mudas, em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo. No término do experimento foi avaliada a massa seca das raízes e da parte aérea, a relação entre estas variáveis e a área foliar, para 12 mudas por tratamento, seguindo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Determinou-se a capacidade de retenção de água, porosidade total e pH dos substratos. Todos os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste Tukey. Em geral todos os substratos proporcionaram aumento gradativo no diâmetro e na altura das mudas. Mudas produzidas em 50 % de Plantmax® + 20 % de casca de arroz carbonizada + 30 % esterco bovino apresentaram maior diâmetro (4,5 mm) e altura das mudas (22,7 cm), assim como maior massa seca da raiz e da parte aérea (0,88 e 1,62 g, respectivamente), seguido de mudas produzidas em 50 % Plantmax® + 20 % de casca de arroz carbonizada + 20 % esterco bovino + 10 % de resíduo de folhas com 4,0 mm e 19,7 cm, para diâmetro e altura, respectivamente. Nas condições deste experimento as mudas de sucará, produzidas com 50 % de Plantmax® + 20 % de casca de arroz carbonizada + 30 % esterco bovino, apresentaram maior crescimento


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    Popularmente conhecida como sucar\ue1, Gleditschia amorphoides \ue9 uma esp\ue9cie que, al\ue9m do uso madeireiro, pode ser utilizada em plantios destinados \ue0 recupera\ue7\ue3o de \ue1reas degradadas, assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento das mudas, ao longo do tempo, produzidas em diferentes substratos. O experimento foi realizado no viveiro da UNIOESTE em Santa Helena - PR, utilizando-se de semeadura direta em tubetes de polipropileno de 200 cm3. Foram testadas diferentes misturas como substrato, contendo Plantmax\uae, res\uedduo de folha decomposto, serragem, cama de avi\ue1rio, esterco bovino e casca de arroz carbonizada. Mensalmente, durante 180 dias, foram avaliadas altura e di\ue2metro do colo, sendo estes analisados segundo um delineamento de blocos casualizados, com 5 repeti\ue7\uf5es de 12 mudas, em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo. No t\ue9rmino do experimento foi avaliada a massa seca das ra\uedzes e da parte a\ue9rea, a rela\ue7\ue3o entre estas vari\ue1veis e a \ue1rea foliar, para 12 mudas por tratamento, seguindo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Determinou-se a capacidade de reten\ue7\ue3o de \ue1gua, porosidade total e pH dos substratos. Todos os dados foram submetidos \ue0 an\ue1lise de vari\ue2ncia e as m\ue9dias comparadas pelo teste Tukey. Em geral todos os substratos proporcionaram aumento gradativo no di\ue2metro e na altura das mudas. Mudas produzidas em 50 % de Plantmax\uae + 20 % de casca de arroz carbonizada + 30 % esterco bovino apresentaram maior di\ue2metro (4,5 mm) e altura das mudas (22,7 cm), assim como maior massa seca da raiz e da parte a\ue9rea (0,88 e 1,62 g, respectivamente), seguido de mudas produzidas em 50 % Plantmax\uae + 20 % de casca de arroz carbonizada + 20 % esterco bovino + 10 % de res\uedduo de folhas com 4,0 mm e 19,7 cm, para di\ue2metro e altura, respectivamente. Nas condi\ue7\uf5es deste experimento as mudas de sucar\ue1, produzidas com 50 % de Plantmax\uae + 20 % de casca de arroz carbonizada + 30 % esterco bovino, apresentaram maior crescimento.Locally known as sucar\ue1, Gleditschia amorphoides besides being a woody species, it can be used in plantations used for the rehabilitation of degraded areas. Therefore, the objective of the current work was to evaluate the seedling growth, over time produced under different substrates. The experiment was made at the UNIOESTE nursery in Santa Helena district, in Paran\ue1 state, using direct sowing in polypropylene sized tubes of 200cm3. Different mixtures were tested as substrate, containing Plantmax\uae, decomposed leaves residue, sawdust, litter, cattle manure and carbonized rice hulls. Monthly, during 180 days, evaluations of height and diameter of the lap were made, analyzed by a completely randomized design, with 5 replicates of 12 seedlings, in a subdivided plot scheme in time. At the end of the experiment, root dry mass and aerial part dry mass, the relation between these variables and the leaf area, were determined for 12 seedlings each treatment, in a completely randomized design. The water-holding capacity, substrate total porosity and pH were determined. All data were submitted to variance analysis and the means compared by the Tukey's test. In general, all substrates provided gradual increase in the diameter of the lap and seedling height. Seedlings produced in 50% of Plantmax\uae+ 20% of carbonized rice hulls + 30% of cattle manure provided bigger diameter (4,5mm) and seedlings height (22,7 cm), as well as bigger root dry mass and aerial part dry mass (0,88 and 1,62g, respectively) followed by seedlings produced in 50% of Plantmax\uae+ 20% of carbonized rice hulls + 20% of cattle manure + 10% leaf residue with 4,0mm and 19,7mm, for diameter and height respectively. In these experimental conditions, Sucar\ue1 seedlings produced in 50% of Plantmax\uae+ 20% of carbonized rice hulls + 30% of cattle manure presented bigger growth


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    Caliandras (Fabaceae family, Mimosoideae subfamily) have inflorescences with exotic aspect and a great quantity of colouredstamens. The main objective of this study was to study the effect of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on rooting of cuttings of   Calliandra selloi (with rose and white stamens) and C. tweediei (with red stamens), planted in two substrates. The cuttings were made from semi-hardwood ramifications of trees growing in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. They were 8 cm long, with 4 leaflets at the apical portion and they were carried out under climatized greenhouse (25o C ± 2o C, 95% RU). They were made two experiments with these species: in the first, the effect of differentsubstrates was tested (carbonized rice hull and vermiculite) and, in the second, the base of the cuttings was immersed in NAA solutions (0, 1,500 and 3,000 mg.L-1) for 10 sec, and planting them in plastic tubes containing carbonized rice hull and vermiculite. After 60 days the following variables were evaluated: the percentage of rooted cuttings, of cuttings with callus, of alive and necrotic cuttings and the length and number of roots per cutting. The statistical analysis showed no interaction between the main (substrates x NAA concentrations and substrates x species), and carbonized rice hull was the best substrate for rooting percentage (rose C. selloi – 90.00%, white C. selloi – 73.34% and red C. tweediei – 11.67%). There was no difference among the results of rooting with the applied concentrations of NAA.As plantas denominadas esponjinhas ou caliandras pertencem à família Fabaceae, subfamília Mimosoidae, e apresentaminflorescências de aspecto exótico com grande quantidade de estames coloridos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o enraizamento de estacas caulinares de Calliandra selloi (com estames rosa e estames brancos) e de C. tweediei (com estames vermelhos) pela aplicação de ácido naftalenoacético (ANA), e plantadas em dois substratos. As estacas foram confeccionadas a partir de ramos semilenhosos de plantas matrizes oriundas dos jardins do Centro Politécnico, UFPR, Curitiba–PR, com 8cm de comprimento e quatro folíolos na porção apical, mantidas em casa-de-vegetação climatizada (25o C ± 2o C, 95% UR). Foram realizados dois experimentos utilizando estas espécies:no primeiro, testou-se o efeito de diferentes substratos (vermiculita e casca de arroz carbonizada) e, no segundo, as bases das estacas foram imersas em soluções com diferentes concentrações de ANA (0, 1.500 e 3.000 mg.L-1) por 10 segundos, com posterior plantio em tubetes contendo casca de arroz carbonizada e vermiculita. Após 60 dias foram avaliadas as variáveis: porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, com calos, vivas, mortas, comprimento e número de raízes formadas por estaca. A análise estatística revelou que não houve interação entre os fatores (substratos x espécies e concentrações de ANA x espécies), tendo a casca de arroz carbonizada se destacado como o melhor substrato quanto à porcentagem de enraizamento (C. selloi rosa – 90,00%, C. selloi branca – 73,34% e C. tweediei vermelha – 11,67%). A aplicação de diferentes concentrações de ANA não apresentou diferença significativa na promoção do enraizamento


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    Ficus benjamina L. (Moraceae) has been widely used for ornamentation because its leaves are perennial and bright and adaptable in environments with little internal lighting. As the main form of reproduction of this genera is the vegetative propagation, this work aimed to determine the effect of different concentrations of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) in rooting from stem cuttings and bud with leaf of F. benjamina. The experiments were conducted in UFPR in Curitiba - PR, between April and June 2005, with stem cuttings up to 10 cm in length, containing two apical leaves and cuttings of bud with leaf of 1 cm from the stem containing a bud and an entire leaf. The cuttings, undergoing treatment with NAA at concentrations of 500 and 1000 mg L-1 for 10 seconds and the control, were planted in tubes containing vermiculite, and kept in greenhouse for 56 days. We evaluated the percentage of cutting rooting, with calluses, living and dead, number and average length of the roots. For stem cuttings was statistical difference in the variables sets and the average length of root, and the bud with leaf cuttings, significant difference in the length of root parameter. So to stem cuttings suggested that the use of 500 mg L-1 of NAA, while for bud with leaf cutting is not necessary to apply this plant regulator.Ficus benjamina L. (Moraceae) tem sido muito utilizada para ornamentação devido suas folhas serem perenes e brilhantes e por ser adaptável em ambientes internos com pouca iluminação. Como a principal forma de reprodução deste gênero é a propagação vegetativa, este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de ácido naftaleno acético (ANA) no enraizamento de estacas caulinares e de gema com folha de F. benjamina. Os experimentos foram realizados na UFPR em Curitiba – PR, entre abril e junho de 2005, com estacas caulinares confeccionadas com 10 cm de comprimento, contendo duas folhas apicais e estacas de gema com folha de 1 cm do caule contendo uma gema e uma folha inteira. As estacas, submetidas a tratamento com ANA nas concentrações de 500 e 1000 mg L-1 por 10 segundos e testemunha, foram plantadas em tubetes contendo vermiculita, e mantidas em casa-de-vegetação durante 56 dias. Avaliaram-se as porcentagens de estacas enraizadas, com calos, vivas e mortas, número e comprimento médio das raízes. Para estacas caulinares  houve diferença estatística nas variáveis estacas enraizadas e comprimento médio de raiz, e para estacas de gema com folha, houve diferença significativa apenas no parâmetro comprimento de raiz. Assim para estacas caulinares sugere-se o uso de 500 mg L-1 de ANA, enquanto que para estacas de gema com folhas não é necessária a aplicação deste fitorregulador